
Day 22: Zululand and Hluhluwe National Park

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The next day we start with a walk through the forest around the tents. The intention was to see birds, but for my understanding it becomes a fast walk. The monkeys watched us calmly. We are not going fast enough, at 8:55 we are picked up by a jeep.

The Hluhluwe park is old and very big. As an experiment I asked Natascha to try the routes from my Birdfinder book. Unfortunately the route was not suitable for "our" car, and we did not find the special birds. Fortunately Elly found a very beautiful orange bird, we got stuck with the car by a very large group of elephants and Natascha saw a lion. Something for everyone.

Bearded woodpecker
Dendropicos namaquus

Bearded woodpecker (Dendropicos namaquus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5 TC, 1/2000 sec at F5.6, ISO 2000, distance 41.3 m

The photo shows a Bearded woodpecker (Dendropicos namaquus). It is a bird in the order 039 piciformes and the family 009 picidae. The photo was taken at Zululand Lodge (Nsimane, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 06:05 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Vervet monkey
Chlorocebus pygerythrus

Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5 TC, 1/2000 sec at F5.6, ISO 2000, distance 60.1 m

The photo shows a Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). It is a animal in the order primates and the family cercopithecidae. The photo was taken at Zululand Lodge (Nsimane, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 07:01 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Woolly-necked stork
Ciconia episcopus

Woolly-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/2000 sec at F4.5, ISO 2000, distance 48.6 m

The photo shows a Woolly-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus). It is a bird in the order 014 ciconiiformes and the family 001 ciconiidae. The photo was taken at Zululand Lodge (Nsimane, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 09:28 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Rattling cisticola
Cisticola chiniana

Rattling cisticola (Cisticola chiniana)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/500 sec at F5.6, ISO 200, distance 7.38 m

The photo shows a Rattling cisticola (Cisticola chiniana). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 088 cisticolidae. The photo was taken at Nomcondo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa at 10:34 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Southern black flycatcher
Melaenornis pammelaina

Southern black flycatcher (Melaenornis pammelaina)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/2000 sec at F4.5, ISO 1600, distance 12.0 m

The photo shows a Southern black flycatcher (Melaenornis pammelaina). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 108 muscicapidae. The photo was taken at Hluhluwe National Park (Nomcondo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 11:16 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Golden-tailed woodpecker
Campethera abingoni

Golden-tailed woodpecker (Campethera abingoni)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/2000 sec at F4.5, ISO 800, distance 14.1 m

The photo shows a Golden-tailed woodpecker (Campethera abingoni). It is a bird in the order 039 piciformes and the family 009 picidae. The photo was taken at Hluhluwe National Park (Nomcondo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 11:19 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Red-capped robin-chat
Cossypha natalensis

Red-capped robin-chat (Cossypha natalensis)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/2000 sec at F4.5, ISO 1000, distance 3.87 m

The photo shows a Red-capped robin-chat (Cossypha natalensis). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 108 muscicapidae. The photo was taken at Hluhluwe National Park (Nomcondo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 11:19 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Kurrichane thrush
Turdus libonyana

Kurrichane thrush (Turdus libonyana)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/2000 sec at F4.5, ISO 1250, distance 5.47 m

The photo shows a Kurrichane thrush (Turdus libonyana). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 107 turdidae. The photo was taken at Hluhluwe National Park (Nomcondo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 11:24 on Monday July 15, 2024.

African elephant
Loxodonta africana

African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
OM-1 with M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14, 1/1000 sec at F4.0, ISO 1000, distance 20.6 m

The photo shows a African elephant (Loxodonta africana). It is a animal in the order proboscidea and the family elephantidae. The photo was taken at Nsolweni, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa at 13:12 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Panthera leo

Lion (Panthera leo)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/500 sec at F4.5, ISO 800, distance 25.2 m

The photo shows a Lion (Panthera leo). It is a animal in the order carnivora and the family felidae. The photo was taken at Hluhluwe National Park (Nomcondo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 14:20 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Common wart-hog
Phacochoerus africanus

Common wart-hog (Phacochoerus africanus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/500 sec at F4.5, ISO 1000, distance 63.9 m

The photo shows a Common wart-hog (Phacochoerus africanus). It is a animal in the order artiodactyla and the family suidae. The photo was taken at Hluhluwe National Park (Nomcondo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 14:36 on Monday July 15, 2024.

Southern grey-headed sparrow
Passer diffusus

Southern grey-headed sparrow (Passer diffusus)
OM-1 Mark II with OLYMPUS M.150-400mm F4.5, 1/2000 sec at F4.5, ISO 4000, distance 8.68 m

The photo shows a Southern grey-headed sparrow (Passer diffusus). It is a bird in the order 040 passeriformes and the family 113 passeridae. The photo was taken at Hluhluwe National Park (Nomcondo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) at 14:41 on Monday July 15, 2024.

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